Friday, August 14, 2009

Hard at Work, Hard at Play

Summer has flown by. It seemed only a few days ago, I was getting dressed up to go to my interview. Now, after 12 weeks of work, I sit and wonder... Did I have a good summer.

Most of average day was spent trying to design pneumatic systems, developing processes, and solving problems. During the occasional break from work, I also got to know many good people. The do-it-yourselfer, the tech guy, the high energy inspector, and the casually sarcastic guy (among many others.)

So what else did I do besides work?

Well, the summer started off hot with an all to quick tramp through the Appalachian Mountains. I ushered a group of boys across the rocky terrain. It was amazing to see many of the same sites nearly a decade later. Most had not changed, but it did seem to change the boys. There experience was a positive one.

The following day, it was back to work.

I shared many weekends with Cody, showing him what the world has to offer.

I also, (thanks in part to an understanding boss, and a wonderful camp director), was able to zip up to camp for a weekend. I had the opportunity to shoot my new bow, and whipped the archery bunker back into shape. (non-archery counselors should not be put in charge) Alas, two days is definitely not enough time and the irrational side of me wanted to stay there. (Who needs a job anyway, right?) Unfortunately, logic won over and I made my way back down to home.

One other major event, that I am covering out of chronological order, was "the big move." My parents had talked about moving for a while. To a smaller place, closer to the action. read: Jimmy's Pizza. Well, that move occurred mid July. Amidst the great upheaval of our our "possessions", We really worked at trimming down the non-essentials.

So, the question remains: Did I have a good summer.

I would have to say, no.... I had a great summer. I just need to make the best of the rest of it.

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